
Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve-Step fellowship based on the principles pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. Our fellowship is entirely nonprofessional and self-supporting, and the only requirement for ITAA membership is a desire to stop using internet and technology compulsively. We share our experience, strength, and hope with each other through group meetings and one-on-one relationships, and we work a recovery program based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. We have no opinions on outside issues, and we neither condemn nor condone any particular technology. We are not affiliated with any political agenda, religious movement, or outside interests. Our single purpose is to abstain from compulsive internet and technology use and to help others find freedom from this addiction.

ITAA was initially formed in June 2017 after the original members met through a different fellowship. They recognized that they had a severe problem with compulsive internet and technology use and decided to join together for mutual aid. As they lived in different parts of the world, the first meetings were held over the phone. Initially, members joined through word of mouth until a new website enabled more people seeking help to find the fellowship. During the first year, there were two phone meetings per week with just a handful of participating members, along with an in-person meeting in Bellevue, Washington. Over the course of 2019 the number of meetings grew to seven per week, including another face-to-face meeting in Amsterdam, and the first international convention was held in Berlin in November. Following this, an in-person meeting was started in Berlin, followed soon after by meetings in New York City and Moscow. The fellowship began to grow rapidly, and today there are nearly 100 weekly online meetings and 30 face-to-face meetings around the world. Our members hail from over 80 countries, and we have meetings in English, Spanish, German, Russian, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Hebrew, and Polish.

ITAA is a US 501(c)(3) federal tax-exempt nonprofit incorporated in the state of Colorado.

Page last updated on November 18, 2023