Do I Have an Addiction?

If you are new to ITAA, you may be wondering whether you are an internet and technology addict. The following questions may help you identify whether you experience any of the patterns and symptoms common to internet and technology addiction:

Internet Addiction Questionnaire:

  1. Do I ever go online to quickly check something and then discover that hours have passed?
  2. Do I ever swear off or set limits around a particular app or online activity, and then break my commitments?
  3. Do I have internet and technology binges that last all day or late into the night?
  4. Do I reach for my devices whenever I have free time?
  5. Does my internet and technology usage lead me to neglect my personal hygiene, nutritional needs, or physical health?
  6. Do I feel isolated, emotionally absent, distracted, or anxious when I’m not online?
  7. Does my internet usage contribute to conflict or avoidance in personal relationships?
  8. Have the negative consequences of my internet usage jeopardized my studies, finances, or career?
  9. Do I hide or lie about the amount of time I spend online or the kinds of digital content I consume?
  10. Do I feel guilt or shame around my internet use?

Nobody should have to suffer due to their internet and technology use. If you’ve answered yes to several of the above questions, we encourage you to consider getting support.

In addition to the question above, you can find additional questionnaires for more specific compulsive behaviors at the links below:

Signs of social media addiction

Signs of phone addiction

Signs of streaming addiction

Signs of video game addiction

Many members also struggle with news, pornography, research, shopping, dating apps, and other behaviors. If you find yourself repeatedly in painful or self-destructive patterns involving the usage of media, screens, or other devices, then ITAA may be able to help you find freedom and relief from what you are experiencing. Newcomers are encouraged to attend 6 meetings within a short period of time to determine whether this program is right for them. Our meetings are based on non-judgmental, compassionate listening, and meetings have opportunities for newcomers to ask questions.

Internet and technology addiction is a condition that can affect both adults and children, sometimes at a young age and sometimes later in life.  Like other addictions, it does not discriminate based on age, educational level, race or ethnicity. By damaging our potential, sense of self, and quality of life, our addiction can impair our lives; and by contributing to depression, suicidal tendencies, and other mental health issues, our addiction can be life-threatening. If you feel you may be an addict, we encourage you to seek help and draw on the resources and experience of our fellowship.

Page last updated on July 14, 2023